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Avinash Meetoo, informaticien : «Il serait judicieux d’avoir plus d’experts étrangers opérant à Maurice»

Les experts en technologies sont en très grande demande à Maurice, soutient Avinash Meetoo, informaticien et Senior A

The current global situation and Mauritius

We can no more look at Mauritius in isolation when making an analysis of its economic performance and deciding of its

Acting quickly and changing strategy are the only way to win

2020 will be a challenging year.

Why can’t Mauritius seem to Ever Grow above 3.8% anymore?

Economists are often criticized for being overly prescriptive when it comes to economic policy making.  Economics is

Monetary nonsense Eric Ng Ping Cheun Jeu 15/08/2019 - 15:29

By lowering further the Key Repo Rate, the Bank of Mauritius makes a nonsense of monetary policy as the private secto

Looking beyond the 2019/2020 Budget (1st part)

Much has been said about the 2019/2020 Budget of Mauritius.

Assault on the rupee

The issue needs not be addressed in the form of a question: the Bank of Mauritius (BoM) has already launched an assau

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