Deva Armoogum | Défi Économie Aller au contenu principal

Budget Speech 2019-2020 : it’s now or never

The overarching objective of the 2019-2020 Budget Speech is to ‘embrace a brighter future together as a nation’.

Deva Armoogum, expert-comptable et consultant : «Les Mauriciens attendent qu’on s’explique sur chaque sou dépensé»

Le Budget passé, reste la mise en œuvre des projets que contient le grand oral du Premier ministre et ministre des Fi

Striking the right balance between conformance and performance (Last part)

Enterprise Governance has emerged as a new concept which embraces the dual role of the board in fulfilling its fiduci

Striking the right balance between conformance and performance (1st part)

The spate of corporate governance regimes that swept the world over the last few decades came as a natural reaction t

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